Sunday, October 9, 2011



         The twin Towers at the World Trade Center collapsed and our

Commander-in-Chief finally got the Al Qaeda Leader, OSAMA BIN LADEN at

his palace of hiding in Pakistan.  Recently, he also got the

second-in-command Al Alwaiki in Yemen. The brave ones of the NAVY SEAL

landed in Pakistan and accomplished the heroic job. The high-tech DRONE

did the job in Yemen.
            Wall Street is a far different story. The marriage in our

capitalist free market economy between the Main Street and the WALL

STREET has come to a collapse, not by a velvet divorce, but by

inability of any power to stop our young men and women by application of

brutal force. Americans have marched many times before in Washington

for Civil Rights and for Peace, and now Wall Street for an end to

economic exploitation.   The march on Wall Street has continued for more

than two weeks, and has resulted in the arrest of about one thousand

people whose only offence has been participation in a peaceful march at

a public place in the City of New York.  The cry for war against the

exploitation of Wall Street has now reached scores of cities and

towns and suburbs) across the United States.

            The rule of one percent for the one percent by the one percent

cannot continue, the Nobel-Laureate economist George Stieglitz has

loudly proclaimed. His voice echoed by voices of thousands of our men

and women, students, unemployed youth, homeless men and women, joined

by workers, teachers and so many others from the halls of education and

research, hospitals and medical institutions. How could denial of any

and all mechanical instrument stop the voice that was heard by the


            Let us recall ENRONISM how the leaders of capitalism

deliberately drove sharp nails into the heart of capitalism. Sub-prime

mortgages, creation of innovative financial products - junk bonds,

derivatives, hedge funds, added so much fuel to irrational exuberance of

Wall Street. They refused to accept any social control. To put Bernie

Madoff in prison has proved not to be a sufficient answer, even if it

was a necessary step.

            The system merits a total overhaul. Wall Street and Main

Street together constitute the village, and the people of the

village must share the village's prosperity. All the people must be

heard. Our noble and ambitious commitment to democracy has been reduced

to our submissive adherence to plutocracy. Men and women in uniform have

been asked to give their lives to defend and ensure the democratic

values in all continents.

            Let us listen to the Oracle of Omaha. The Buffet Rule must be

the rule of those who have made so much in Wall Street. They could

have made it only because the Main Street bought their products. The

Game has come to an end.

            The haves in Wall Street and the have-nots on Main Streets

across the United States can and must come to accept the agenda

of shared prosperity. Marches on the streets by the young Americans

represent a power of the people from the bottom, which cannot be

contained by decrees of power. The march of the American agenda of

freedom. equality and prosperity cannot be stopped. Victories of the

glorious marches of the youth, be it in the Tiananmen Square in China,

and recently in the Tahrir Square in Egypt we must salute. If the ARAB

SPRING has been real; the AMERICAN AUTUMN is all too real.

            The men and women of money in Wall Street are invited to offer to

surrender their one-year's earnings and the march to meet with

the people in the march on Main Street at the bottom of the STATUE

OF LIBERTY and sign an AGREEMENT of total commitment to the American

Dream.  Will the PATRIOTIC MILLIONAIRES take the lead and join hands

with the millions of young marchers on Main Street to say prayers?