Sunday, June 19, 2011



President Barack Obama and the first lady arrived in Mumbai, India and checked into the TAJ HOTEL. This is the hotel where jihadists from Pakistan committed the tragic act of terrorism, killing so many innocent men and women. The terrorists from no country could be allowed to control our travel plan, President Obama proclaimed. He invited the Pakistani authorities to condemn the acts of terrorism, even when it originated in their holy land. President's message was loud and clear. In Mumbai he visited the Gandhi Museum, and faithfully recalled the date of visit to the Museum by Reverend Martin Luther King. Mahatma Gandhi was a hero to the world, not only to India, he reminded the entire world. The peoples of all countries salute the Mahatma for his message of peace and non-violence.

President Obama next arrived in New Delhi and his visit to the Humayun's Tomb became a high point. The Sakas, the Huns, the Pathans, the Moguls came to India and over time became a part of India. Indian civilization became all embracing. All who came from remote lands as invaders found their final resting place in the Indian soil. President Obama reminded the world that India was the second largest Moslem country, next to

Indonesia. In New Delhi, he took his shoes off and walked the short distance to pay his homage to the Gandhi Samadhi.

India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife hosted a reception for the President and Mrs. Obama.
  It became a very, very cordial event. The spicy food was very much relished. The Prime Minister of the world's largest democracy came from the minority Sikh religious community of predominantly Hindu India while the President of the world's second largest democracy rose to the office from the minority community of African American heritage in a country where the White immigrants of European heritage constitute some 85% of the population. The world watched the forward march of the two democracies.

Next came the state dinner, hosted by India's president, Mrs. Pratiba Patil, a motherly lady in the high office of the Republic of India, the world's largest democracy,
  had the privilege to propose the toast in honor of the President of the world's second largest democracy. President Obama in his eloquent response, praised the democratic rule of India and India's championing the cause of global peace.

In his address to the Indian Parliament, President Obama made his case for India's seat in the Security Council of the United Nations, as a permanent member. The 1.2 billion people of the Indian democracy rose to applaud President Obama.

It merits a mention that the democracy in America, based on one- person-one vote, came long after the Proclamation of Emancipation, signed of by President Lincoln one hundred days prior to January 1, 1863, the DAY the Proclamation was to be effective.
 For millions of Americans of African American heritage, emancipation came only in the 1960s when President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act and then the Voting Rights Act.  India had its democratic rule, based on one-person-one vote, with no bar for race, sex and religion some ten years sooner.

President Obama came home back with brief stops in Indonesia and Japan. President Obama's visit to
 South Asia, South East Asia, and North East Asia, with his earlier visit to the Peoples’ Republic of China,  Central Asia, invited the rest of the world to recognize the Asian family. With half the population of the world in this family with diversities of language, religion, life styles, plus its huge resource base, the time has come to welcome the ASIAN CENTURY.

Economic engagement between India and the USA – trade and investment-
is progressively engaging, but is yet to reach the optimum level. The American investors must explore the Indian market, given the fact that India offers a free market with an exceptionally well-managed macroeconomic policy. Availability of the high-tech labor is a big plus for India. In addition, English, the world’s business language, is one of India’s official languages. The Reserve Bank of India, India’s central bank, has managed the monetary policy successfully, with relative stability of the rate of inflation and the foreign exchange rate. The Indian Government has managed the country’s fiscal policy with necessary incentives for business investment..

The Presidential visit helped export promotion to India for the USA, especially for goods relative to India’s fast growing   air-transport and nuclear power promotion industries. The American business leaders accompanying the President welcome the opportunities for joint ventures with Indian investors, and also for foreign direct investment in India’s competitive free-market economy. The world did not fail to marvel at this eventful change in the emerging paradigm of political/economic relationship between the two largest democracies.